District Council Call For Sites

Published: 14 December 2021

This helps the Planning Policy team to identify land that is suitable and available to meet future housing and employment requirements. We are also interested in identifying sites that are suitable and available for gipsy, travellers and travelling showpeople and sites which are suitable and available for tree planting and biodiversity enhancements.

If you are a landowner or developer and would like to submit your sites for consideration or update any details already submitted please use the ‘Call for Sites’ submission form. It is available to download from the Council website at www.cannockchasedc.gov.uk/planningpolicymonitoring or paper copies can be provided on request to the Planning Policy team (see contact details below). The form can be sent back electronically or as a paper copy to the contact details provided on the Call for Sites submission form.

The deadline for submission is 31st December 2021